Thursday, December 24, 2009

Male cat 3 years maybe, vomits a liquid tinged with lite red color. shelter cat, and had been ckd by vet?

he vomits sometimes several times a day, otherwise eats well, good stool. but now i notice his gums are white.Male cat 3 years maybe, vomits a liquid tinged with lite red color. shelter cat, and had been ckd by vet?
WHITE gum mean EMERGANCY! a healthy cat should have bright pink gums! White gums in Cats mean SICK and EMERGANCY TRIP to the VET or EMERGANCY ANIMALS!


The vomit is tinged with blood.

Digestive and Gastrointestinal Tract (A CheckList):

鈻燞as kitty been vomiting? Frequently? Excessively?

鈻營f vomiting, does it appear that food has not been digested?

鈻營f vomiting, is there blood or mucous present?

鈻營f vomiting, is there yellow, greenish or dark brown or black substance?

鈻營s kitty eating sufficiently?

鈻燞as the appetite considerably increased or decreased?

鈻燞ow long since kitty's last meal?

鈻營s there an appearance of jaundice (yellowing) or pallor (white or pale) to kitty's skin?

鈻燗re the bowel movements normal? Soft? Watery? Dry or hard?

鈻燚o the stools contain blood or mucous?

鈻燗re the stools black or clay-colored?

鈻營s kitty constipated?

鈻營s kitty straining or vocalizing in the litterbox?

鈻燞as kitty gone longer than two days without a normal bowel movement?

鈻燗re there presence of tapeworms or roundworms in the stool or vomitus?

鈻營s kitty dehydrated?

鈻營s kitty drinking sufficient amounts of water?

鈻營s kitty weak or lethargic?

鈻營s kitty's abdomen distended? (round, hard to the touch)

鈻燞as kitty gone longer than two days without eating or drinking?

鈻燚oes kitty vomit water as well as food or other substance?

鈻燚oes kitty seem extremely uncomfortable?

POTENTIAL EMERGENCY CONCERNS: The above symptoms could indicate dietary intolerance, food allergies, gastrointestinal upset, liver disease, kidney disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, intestinal parasites, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, infectious disease, etc, and should warrant a visit with your vet or an emergency vet ASAP.Male cat 3 years maybe, vomits a liquid tinged with lite red color. shelter cat, and had been ckd by vet?
That's blood you're seeing %26amp; it can't be good!

Checked by what vet? The overworked %26amp; under paid shelter vet that barely has time to deal with emergencies?

Take him to your own personal vet or, if that's what you did, find a new vet ASAP.

There's too many possibilities/ issues to address in this type of forum.

You need to ask about the food you're feeding, worming your cat, etc.
could be hairballs, not vomit, however red indicates blood, i'd get a second opinion from a different vet and if you can bring in a sample of his stool and vomit to be tested.

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