Monday, December 28, 2009

German shepherd pooh is liquid and brown in color?

he also vomitts what he eats.and its like sticky vomitts.not ate for 2 days.German shepherd pooh is liquid and brown in color?
Take him to a vet an emergency!!

He could have the parvo virus or any number of things wrong with him.

Is he drinking? has he been vaccinated?

good luck!German shepherd pooh is liquid and brown in color?
Thanks everyone who voted!

I hope the owner can tell us how his doggy is...i hope he is doing well! Report Abuse

take to the vets ASAP could have an allergic reaction to something
intestinal blockage,,,, VET TIME PRONTO!!!!
Please take him to the vet ASAP he may die if you wait !!!!!
You need to go see a vet and find out for sure what is wrong with your dog. If he hasn't eaten and has had vomiting and diarrhea for two days then it is time to go NOW (or at the very latest first thing Monday morning). It could be intestinal blockage, parasites, parvo, pancreatitis, or some other medical condition that will require veterinary treatment. In the meantime, try to get you dog to drink some pedialyte (or similar electrolyte drink) because at this point he is most certainly dehydrated.
Get to a vet now!!!

Could be food contamination or pancreatis-neither are anything to fool with.
Well obviously something is not right it's best to seek proffesional advice and treatment to determine what is wrong rather than the responses from Y!A.

Good Luck and I hope your dog gets well soon.

drama queen10
i work at a vets office what you need to do is take him/her to your vetrinary office or call first they might reccomend a diet of boiled beef or chicken(plain) with white bland rice, or they will have you come in and they will put your pet on a special prescription food diet, your pet could also have parvo which would need a vaccination and special treament series of medication

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